Sunday, October 23, 2011



hii telah selamat sampai rumah (dari kampung d kedah)..dapat write something here(wpown x tawu nak type ape)...

Time fikiran messy2..mmg family la tmpat kte perluu..pada will alwayz kept my problem..n will act everything ok in front of family..just meet them n spent time with them..i'll b ok..n kembali waras berfikir:)
Mereka lah kekuatan sy..time kasih tuhan ats penganugerahan tersebut..alhamdulillah...

sy harap..after tis, sy akan lebih dapat terima apa yg org buat pada sy..which sy believe tat, ia nya ujian dari allah, maha pencipta:) 

apa yang berlaku mmg salah sy..coz i'm not perfect..nobody perfect kan3..hehe

owwwwhhh..xde mende pown nak share kan..huhu..hmmmm..mayb moral of story..let family become 1st in our life after the CREATOR:) 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

tak best pown...

hiii there!!!!

kdg2 blog msti la ade entry yg cam sedey2 kan kan kan??
pernah tak when hav problem, kita cam x tawu nak story pada sesiapa..mcm kita duduk dalam gua sorg2..camtu la rasa tu la rasa nya skrg!!

sometimes i hate b an adult!!seriously!!sbb adult hav 2 b matured when face the problems..try 2 find the solution rather than crying in front of people..

i wan to tell parent tat i've problem n need a hug rite now..but they not here 4 me..n dgn egonyer sy x kan story mory to them thru phone..n everytime conversation pun will tell them tat i'm fine fine n fine..all the time..

friends??they r here..but not here 2 listen my problem.they hav their own rship problem which i don't really understand wat it is..they more interested talk about shopping..n others laaa..yg bukan related to me..

if people think tat i've a fun life..actually i'm fun at all...i think i can cry and laugh in the sametime..hehe..when work, i'll work..spend my time wit people yg ade surrounding...watching tv..eating, eating n eating..then, bila sampai time balik..i just wan b at home..duduk dalam bilik..baring, pandang lampu..n start crying, crying n crying sampai penat..bila sedar jee, istighfar byk2..tu jeee..

itu jee laa carenyer kan..yg mgkn sesetengah akan rase i'm stupid..yaaa..mayb!!
i'll thanx to people who always sudi berkawan dgn sy yg pelik x jmpe lagi org yg bley d percayai n really understand my rela simpan sndr problem n membazirkan airmata, then sy akan rase sy ok..

hey there, i'm not sharing this to tell tat u'r nothing to me..of coz u'r the best reason i'll thank to CREATOR:)

End here..sory 4 entry yg membosan kan:p i've warn tat i'm not a good blogger..i'm just a boring person who try to explore the world:D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


alo alo aloooo...

after beberape minute lepas, teros jee nak masuk news baruu..hehe
since da tertaip abt degree, i wan to share my feeling about tat..
mayb its same as other felt..but i'll try 2 story in my way..since tis is my blog..grrrrr:)

degree is one of the achievement tat i really wan dari kecik lagiii..which i really believe all people wan 2 hold at least degree as their the best education level..alhamdulillah i make it real in my life..dgn bantuan family, friends, lecturers n ckgu2..x lupe makcik pakcik yg de terlibat same(sape ntah)....owh..the bless from Allah SWT yg mengizinkan smue ni manjadi reality...

people may think tat degree is usual 4 them..which all people able to hav it..tat assumption, i said tat i AGREE...coz tu bukan la penceritaan nyer..tapiiii..cabaran mendapat kan degree tuuu..tak de la sampai kena mendaki gunung langit ke tujuh smue kesukaran nii mgkn d sebabkan label "teenager" yg terlekat kat diri sndr..

For me, "teenager" niii jiwa nyer x berape nak tu la gunenyer otak nak memikior(perak slang)..convocation time rituuu, mmg rasenyer hold je scroll(cam buku sbnrnyer)..rase cam smue memories time study come back...time suke, time nanges, time blurrrr(slaluuu berlaku)..timee malas, time terlebey rajen..smue jadi SATU..nak cerita detailss, mmg malas skrg niii..konn2 summary je nii..huhu

macam mana pown, i alwayz believe tat every person akan melalui nyer dgn cara dorg sndr..bertabah laa pada sesiapa yg x lepas lagii tis level..NEVER NEVER NEVER give up!!alwayz remind urself tat "i hav 2 get it coz i wan to thank my parent, wan my family proud of me, wan myself b a better person, wan 2 motivate my next2 generation"...

Again, for me, tis is not last level tat i wan my dreams, i'll try to get my MASTER pulak..insylh..always pray n try 2 find the opportunity for tat..semoge menjadi reality...

wish the best to all people n hope u'll get wat u wan..always hav a big dream people..:D

opssszzz..its long time:p

hiii there...

its long time since i launch tis blog..without followers..hahaha
macam "syok sendiri"..owhhh.."btol2 syok sendiri"..
tis real funny coz i NEVER tell people..even my close people yg "i've a blog!!"
actually, i just think tat, my stories r not as best as others stories..yg once update jeee..people wan to follow.tapiii...i'll let people know one day.."one day"

hmmm..klo tgk kan pada entry..last time updated taun 2009!!soooo long..
y??coz i forgot my password..krek krek krek..haha..tis time i try to find out my extra ordinary password tuuu..then..tarraaaaa...i can update!!wowwww!!*actually i ask 2 change password*

lifeee??i got my degree already.alhamdullillah...
n hav a career!!alhamdulillah jugak..tak la sehebat mn kerjaya nyer..but, i'll assume tis is the beginning of my career path..4 experiences of my lifes.n the most important to make my parent know that i'll survive in adult life.haha..(at least i've try n still try)...

ouuussscchhh..otak yg berkarat x dapat nak pk wat the news yg nak share..i'll try 2 share as much as i can..insylh..since i've many free time 4 tis blog yg without followers nii..hikhikhik

c u at next station pleezzz..much of love 2 the people surrounding me:D